What is a Subluxation?
By ProMatcher Staff
My chiropractor says I have a subluxation.
What does that mean?
A subluxation occurs when one or more spinal vertebrae comes out of place and puts undo pressure on the spine that may cause varying degrees of back pain. A subluxation can occur as a result of stress, trauma, or a chemical imbalance within the body. If a subluxation goes untreated for a significant amount of time, it may lead to long-term pain, disease, and discomfort. When the spine is not properly aligned, it may prevent the central nervous system from functioning as usual.
A chiropractor can locate a subluxation and perform an adjustment to relieve or reduce the pain. He or she can also provide advice on how to avoid a future spinal subluxation.
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| ProMatcher Staff, ProMatcher Orlando, FL 32803
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